World Learning


The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP) enables Iraqi and U.S. high school students, undergraduate students, and adult mentors to develop leadership skills and build action plans to strengthen the future of Iraq and the U.S. Founded in 2007, IYLEP has brought together over 3000 young leaders together to foster relationships among youth from different backgrounds and promote mutual understanding between the people of Iraq and the U.S.

World Learning encourages all qualified individuals from all backgrounds in Iraq to apply. 



For additional questions, please email us at IYLEP@worldlearning.org or call the Embassy Help Desk for Youth Exchange Programs at 07704432032 (Sunday through Thursday 8:00a to 4:00p)

  • TO APPLY If you are new, click on "New User?" below to get started.
  • If you already have an account, log in below using your email and password.

***2020 and 2021 IYLEP High School Digital Program participants are eligible to reapply for the IYLEP Undergraduate in-person program. While we do not guarantee admissions, we do encourage you to apply***

*** يحق لخريجي برنامج الأعداديه بصغته الأفتراضية لسنتي 2020 و 2021 التقديم لبرنامج الايلب للكليات بصغته الحضورية لهذه السنة. كما وجب التنويه على ان القبول غير قطعي لهم ونؤكد على مبدأ التنافس في الاختيار ونؤكد على تشجيعنا للهم للتقديم.  

***We continue to closely monitor the impact of COVID-19. We are currently planning for in-person exchanges in Summer 2024. Given the changing nature of the pandemic, programs may need to pivot to virtual exchanges. Regardless of the format we will offer programs in 2024 and will post updates as available. ***

** نحن مستمرين في مراقبة تداعيات فايروس الكورونا. خططنا الحالية هي تنفيذ برامج التبادل الحضوري في صيف 2024. ولطبيعة الجائحة المتغيرة, قد نحتاج الى تحويل برامج التبادل الى الصيغة الافتراضية. ومهما كانت صيغة البرنامج, فنحن عازمون على تنفيذ البرنامج في 2024 وسنعلن عن التحديثات حال توفرها.**

World Learning respects the privacy of your personal information. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, protect, store, and use your data. Personal data collected via this application will be used to consider you for participation in, and communicate with you about WorldLearning Programs. Personal data provided via this application may be transferred to and processed by the U.S. Department of State or other partner organizations, as necessary, to administer WorldLearning Programs. IYLEP and Youth Ambassadors Applicants below the age of 16 years must have the consent/permission of parent(s) or legal guardian(s) prior to completing the application. World Learning may verify that such consent has been given prior to considering applicants for any WorldLearning Program.

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